Interior Design

Interior Design

Calming or stimulating?

Colours, materials and light are important factors to be contemplated during interior planning. Choose a basic colour and complement it with shades that either harmonise with it or selectively set an exciting contrast. Arrange individual pieces of furniture in a new way or change current colour combinations. Accessories allow you to achieve a great effect depending on the season or your mood – with only minimal effort.

Are you looking to create a place of retreat or do you need an environment that inspires you and fills you with new ideas? Anything is possible!

Project Management

Remodelling, renovating, designing.

Are you planning to remodel, a «paintbrush renovation» or a new construction and don’t know where to begin and how to proceed in the best way possible?  I would be delighted to support you in substantiating your desires and requirements (space conditions, proportions, etc.), so that you can make the right decisions from the very beginning.

The next steps involve cost planning, specialists and an optimal coordination – all this saves time and money. I will gladly accompany you to exhibitions or find the right objects or dealers for you to ensure that your property is turned into a harmonious home which radiates a sense of complete well-being.
